za 25 sep2021
Bad Habits // Good Afternoon | OPEN AIR 2.0

The wait has been long enough. Due to government restrictions, we still can't have a full night of indoor clubbing like we used to. What we can do, is transform Willemeen's freshly renovated Garden into a cosy and intimate open air together with our favourite dj's and long-time friends:

YuBu // Yummy Trax
Blithesome Sprouts // Bad Habits
Micha Lensink // RAFTAF Records
Please take note, with a very limited capacity of only 50 people - better don't snooze 😉

For this event you'll need to be able to provide either:
- a proof of vaccination
- a negative test, no older than 24h
- a proof of recovery, no older than 6 months

For more information about the new rules to get in you can look here


Zaal open: 16:00
Einde: 23:30


Gratis toegang