za 13 jul2019
The Briefs (USA) + Landmine Heart (UITVERKOCHT!!!)


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The Briefs


Punk rockers don't age, they just get weirder, baby. Twenty years have zipped by, and The Briefs are as frantic, energetic, and snotty as ever. Like a scud missile from outer space, the band's debut album, “Hit After Hit,” set out to destroy the new Millennium's flaccid alt-rock scene—and, in turn—inspired two decades of raucous radioactive fallout. Sewing together a tattered tapestry of 70s-style punk—with a nod toward Dangerhouse Records, DEVOThrasher Magazine, and ABBA—these iconic bleach blonde brutes have urged countless kids to grab a junk guitar, a pair of second-hand sunglasses, and a bottle of peroxide.

Now, the Briefs are consummating a ten-year recording tease with a sloppy wet kiss. The new 7" single “Kids Laugh At You'' is out now on Taken By Surprise Records and the band's highly anticipated new LP, “Platinum Rats,” will hit the streets April 19, 2019 on Burger Records (US) and Damaged Goods (Europe).

What started with four idiot savants in a downtown Seattle basement has led to a remarkable two-decade career that has spawned some of the catchiest anti-hits this side of Y2K. Any self-respecting rocker will argue: “Hit After Hit,” (2000); “Off the Charts,” (2003); “Sex Objects,” (2004); and “Steal Yer Heart,” (2005); are more than essential punk classics—they're commandments, damn it. Sweat-drenched singles like “Rotten Love,” and “Poor and Weird” may have even aided in reversing punk's once terminal diagnosis.

But how have they survived this long, this loud? A dynamic, leave-everything-on-the-stage live show paired with relentless US and European touring has garnered the band a fierce following (although you can't spot Briefs fan based on age, they are indeed known to harbor a certain swagger). 2008-2012 saw a much- needed cat nap for the band, but diehard pals will tell you this was no radio silence. Guitarist Daniel Travanti formed Sharp Objects and co-founded Modern Action Records; guitarist Steve E. Nix and bassist Kicks formed The Cute Lepers; drummer Chris Brief formed Suspect Parts. In the end, it all came back around to the beginning—to The Briefs.


Support door lokale helden: Landmine Heart


Landmine heart is een prachtnummer van The Nitwitz en sinds 2010 ook de naam van een gepokt en gemazelde punkband. De leden hebben hun sporen verdiend in onder meer Beans, Strike First, Shaggable Sluts en Bitter Grounds. Hun muzikale mijnenveld is bezaaid met punkrock en hardcore uit de vorige eeuw, waar ze nu overheen donderjagen met een urgentie waar de huidige tijd om vraagt.


Zaal open: 19:30


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