za 17 sep2016
PHONOPHOBIA FEST met: Svffer (DE) + KrΓΌger (CZ) + Weak Ties (DE) + Teethgrinder + Divtech & Decide Today (USA) + Uneasy Peace + System Bastard + Malamondo

Arnhem Noise Attacks presents.. 

This night we loudly celebrate the 1 year anniversary of Arnhem Noise Attack, and like always we made a selection of the best and most blasting DIY bands around at this moment. So the bands that are going to blow up your eardrums are.. 
Svffer // DE 
Allright! Guess who is coming over to play Arnhem Noise Attack after all? Oh hell yes! That's right! SVFFER! Svffer will unleash their wall of hardcore and grindcore filled musical violence like they only can! 
Krüger // CZ 
Some of you may already know them by spending your summers in the czech sun, but for those who don't know them we will give you a little introduction. This bunch of crusties from Prague is playing a relentless mix of crust and raw punk, and now they are ready to destroy the stage! 
Weak Ties // DE 
This band is quite a new one! Earlier this year they released their first EP, and they played a lot of shows since then. They play a mix of power violence and raw hardcore punk! Check them out! 
Teethgrinder // NL
An uncompromising manifestation of ferocity and utter discontent is probably the best way to describe the dismally melancholic sound of Teethgrinder.Fueled by a sense and a rage evoked by the steady decline of modern day society, Teethgrinder seek to release their bottled-up hatred through matching sonic extremity, they do so while making no compromises and refusing to any standards in the process.



Divtech & Decide Today // USA 
This is a little bit different, but really cool! These two american anarcho breakcore / electronic punk acts will wreck the stage together! Get ready for some hard and crazy kicks, noises and beats! 
Uneasy Peace // NL 
And from holland we will have a delegation of punks coming from Groningen, and one of those bands is Uneasy Peace! They are quite a new band, but some people in the band you may know! Because they used to play in a band called.. MAKILADORAS
System Bastard // NL 
Between all the hardcore, crust, punk and power violence there is always a place for good ol' d-beat! 
Malamondo // NL 
Anarcho Punk! Malamondo from Grunn will open the fest with some great punk! 
The doors will open at 15:30 and the first band plays at 16:00! The damage for the fest will be 10 euro's at the door, and 8 euro's in the pre-sale ! The venue is a 2 minute walk from the central station of Arnhem, so you will be able to catch your train on time!


Zaal open: 15:30
Einde: 22:30


Gratis toegang