What a great experience we had on our first Dub Nation event at Willemeen Part 16 was packed and sold out !
So that made us more drivin ..to pull up a large edtion for Dubschool Arnhem! We aint gonna talk to much ..
Part 17 .. Time to roll !!!!!!
- Dubiterian (DE) (version 4.0. Birthday session)
- XoveryouthFam-SoundSystem ls Asiatic Roots (2 breddas)
(for the first time in Arnhem with set)
- House of Dread: Butoyi (Mic)
Ital Food Corner at the spot ! Pop art on wood for sale during event
2 min walk from central station Arnhem only doorsale.
no sexism, no homophobia, no racism, no discrimination, no borders!!! strictly respect... good over evil... only love can conquer...