vr 27 aug2021
cancelled: Umami w/ Archipel Soundsystem, Jenny Rose, Cleanfield

 Dear people,

We deeply regret to inform you that Umami w/ Archipel Soundsystem, Jenny Rose, Cleanfield can’t take place on the 27th due to the current COVID-19 restrictions.
We have already set a new date for this event. This will be November 5th. Your ticket will stay valid for this event.
For refunds and/or other questions you can send us an email to umamiarnhem@gmail.com
We hope to see you on the dancefloor November 5th! ❤

We are eagerly looking forward to enter the Willemeen grounds again and take a look in the Umami club-kitchen with only the best household names our region has to offer.




The menu:

Date / Time:
27 August 2021
Doors open 23:55
Doors close 03:00
Party ends 05:00
00:00 - 01:30 Jenny Rose
01:30 - 03:00 Archipel Soundsystem
03:00 - 05:00 Cleanfield
Normal € 10.00
Late/door € 15.00
Artwork by: Demian Venus


Zaal open: 23:55
Einde: 05:00


Gratis toegang