vr 10 apr2020
Cancelled Doom Over Arnhem w/ Officium Triste + Godthrymm (UK) + Into The Arcane + Façade + River Of Souls

We kijken naar de mogelijkheden om dit festival op een ander tijdstip te organiseren dit gaat dermate lang duren daarom krijgt iedereen zijn geld terug. 


Willemeen presents DOOM OVER ARNHEM  een gloednieuw Doom festival met all killers no fillers line-up! In de gehele maand februari verkopen we early birds voor slechts 10 euro (zolang de voorraad strekt) daarna reguliere voorverkoop.


Officium Triste

2019 was een bijzonder jaar voor de Nederlandse melodieuze doom/death band Officium Triste. Het van origine Rotterdamse zestal bestaat 25 jaar. En het zesde studio album “The Death Of Gaia” verschijnt in september via het Indiase label Transcending Obscurity Records. Bij dit label is de band in goed gezelschap. Toonaangevende bands als Master of Paganizer werken ook samen met Transcending Obscurity. Naast het nieuwe album verschijnt ook de klassieker “Giving Yourself Away” voor het eerst op vinyl via Badger Records. En de band brentgt zelf een compilatie uit met covers van Officium Triste in uitvoeringen door bevriende bands. In de 25-jarige geschiedenis kent de band de nodige bezettingswisselingen. De kernboodschap blijft intact; het componeren van melodieuze doom/death metal waarbij vooral bands als Paradise Lost, Anathema, My Dying Bride, Celestial Season, Type O Negative en Katatonia grote inspiratiebronnen zijn. Dat gegeven hoor je terug op het nieuwste album. Officium Triste laat zich niet leiden door populaire stromingen. Zij gaan uit van hun eigen kracht en doen dit op eigen tempo.



GODTHRYMM was forged in 2017 by Glencross and sees the respected UK metal luminary return to his doom metal roots, creating the music he was known to help forge with Solstice on the legendary New Dark Age album and especially with the heralded My Dying Bride from the 2000 – 2014 time period.

Further adding to the GODTHRYMM pedigree is drummer Shaun Taylor-Steels who, after some lineup refining following the band’s A Grand Reclamation debut EP, became the core of GODTHRYMM. In the months to follow, the pair recorded the colossal Reflections full-length. Upon its completion, Glencross and Taylor-Steels added bassist Bob Crolla to the fold making GODTHRYMM a true power trio of doom.
Recorded and mixed by Nathan Bailey and featuring artwork and design by Brian D’Agosta of Gostworks Art (Vallenfyre, War//Plague), with Reflections, GODTHRYMM has unleashed a mammoth slab of heavy, mournful, yet pounding traditional doom that harks back to the classic era of ‘90s UK doom/Peaceville Records.

A massive step up from their debut EP, Reflections is the result of Glencross taking GODTHRYMM into darker, more melancholic, and towering realms.
Through Glencross’ soaring passionate vocals complimenting his powerful riffs along with Taylor-Steels’ thunderous percussion giving the rhythm section that immense and glorious tone, Reflections is a testament to the glory days of the genre while simultaneously making its statement as a new force of modern day doom metal to behold.


Into The Arcane

The Arcane Disorder INTO THE ARCANE In 1867 renowned researcher Dr. John P. Philips, started investigating a string of weird and unexplainable accounts of madness and despair. In his search for answers, he discovered a global connection linking each account to the other. In what he described as: "The Arcane Disorder", Dr. Philips interviewed dozens of "patients" and uncovered hundreds of manuscripts leading back to as early as 1534. He bundled his early findings into a collective he called: "Into the Arcane".   We bring you those stories. Doom from Arnhem. 



Façade is a Dutch doom metal band formed in 2011 with memebers (previously) active in bands such as Night of Suicide, Phlebotomized Onheil.   In 2017 they released their self-published, full-length album ‘Loathe’ which was a well received debut, described by Metal Trenches as “An imposing and soul-crushing bit of death doom that evokes plenty of dread and melancholy...”
In winter 2019 Façade is releasing a new full-length titled ‘The Eternal Dance’. Written and recorded in the period of 2017 to 2019, the band turns a new page presenting a reinvented sound and taking their compositions into a new direction.

River Of Souls

The music can be described as heavy doom death metal, but it’s all about the guitar riff! In 2017 The debut album “The Well of Urd” was released, an album with lyrical themes as our everlasting fate, the binding forces of nature and our journey through the light and the dark. This was accompanied by a very diverse sound palette, ranging from, doomy coldness, through diverse melodic parts to straight up tempo death metal which creates a gateway to the world beneath the Well...
Flash forward to 2020. River of Souls has a complete line up again, the second album is coming out in May, and the first shows are already booked from April on. The music is still heavy, still doom, still death, and still all about the guitar riff!






facebook event Doom Over Arnhem


Zaal open: 19:00


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