vr 30 sep2016
Banane Metalik (FR, Excl NL show) + The Griswalds + Clockwork Psycho (SI)

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Fat like us & willemeen presenteren:


Banane Metalik


Men neme een snufje heavy metal, punk, een goede dosis rock 'n roll en daar vloeit 666% gore'n'roll uit! De muziek van het Franse Banane Metalik klinkt goor, moddervet en het schreeuwt aan alle kanten. Ze omschrijven hun muziek zelf als een mix van cinematografische en muzikale cultuur. Met hun discografie, heeft Banane Metalik geleidelijk populariteit gewonnen en zich nu gepositioneerd als pionier in de Europese rock n'roll wereld.  Live bewijst de band zich door de energie die loskomt tijdens hun shows. ''In gore 'n roll we trust!''


The Griswalds


Jammer genoeg gaan de Cenobytes het toch niet redden maar gelukkig hebben we een minstens zo'n leuke vervanger gevonden: The Griswalds!

"Amazing, The Griswalds are what got me interested in Rock & Roll"
- Elvis Presley!
"To me they are the greatest band in the world"
- Mick Jagger!
"I always wanted to be an astronaut, but after seeing The Griswalds I knew what I had to do"
-Charles Manson!

These are just a few of the things that have NEVER been said about The Griswalds, but what can we say about these lovable rogues of psychobilly?
The band was formed in 1987 by 4 likeminded musicians who just wanted to make music and have a laugh. Now 27 years later, the band is still going strong with all the original members (apart from 3 and 1 extra guy).Over the years, Gary Griswald has seen many people join and leave the band, mostly leave, and is now currently enjoying the company of 4 young duchies.
Accompanied by Ramone Griswald on Bass, Joost Griswald and Simon Griswald on Guitars and Erik Griswald on Drums, Gary Griswald said "I'm just happy that they have the same surname as me", When prompted for further quotes the singer just mumbled and held his hand out asking "do you wanna buy a big issue"
In 2012 the band released "Better Late Than Never" which was the hugely popular follow up album to "Who Framed The Griswalds". It only took them 23 years to get around to recording the second album but now, in 2014, the boys are hard at work writing and recording their next offering.
Since the latest incarnation of the band has been together they have been very busy touring and playing live all over the world including U.S.A, Brazil, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, U.K, and of course not forgetting Germany.
The band has become a firm fixture on the yearly Psychobilly Earthquake and Psychout Circus festivals and are sure to be playing in a town near you very soon.


Clockwork Psycho


Clockwork Psycho is the first Slovenian female fronted psychobilly band from capital city Ljubljana. The trio was formed in 2011 when former members of other punk, oi and metal bands from Ljubljana came together in a desire to play psychobilly on their own way.


Zaal open: 20:00


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