do 29 jun2017
White Christ (USA) + New Best Friend

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Harnessing the same aggression as their first two releases, the dudes in SA's garage core band, White Christ, return with a banging four track EP that's as sophisticated as it is fun and chaotic.

Recorded and released at the end of 2016, Die So High, is loud, fast, and brimming with sun-shining spells of fuzzy guitars and, dare I say, dancey drum hits — a departure from the D-beat punchiness of their 2013 self-titled debut, as well as a further exploration of the garage rock sound featured on their first LP Rotatives.

This time around, White Christ sounds like what would be playing at the most killer party of the summer while everyone has the time of their lives. The EP gallivants in the same sort of happy distortion of Japandroids circa 2009, yet is punctuated with a I-could-give-a-fuck-if-you-like-my-band sort of attitude reflected in the singing and lyricism of vocalist Jack
Parsons. “I just wanna die so high,” Parsons screams in the opening and title track of the EP, setting the tone for what might be the best seven minutes and forty-nine seconds of rock and roll you’ve heard in a while.

So, whether you’re bombing a hill on your skateboard, flailing your arms during a solo-jam out session in your room or just cruising around downtown with your friends, White Christ’s Die So High EP is an explosive punk rock effort that's loud, fun and definitely worth listening to at the highest decibel you can handle.


New Best Friend  


Volwassen muziek gespeeld door vier gasten die maar niet volwassen willen worden. Punkrock vergelijkbaar met None more black en Leatherface. Niets is ironisch en alles is nep. Met leden van Achterdochtig en Hippy tree friends collective


Zaal open: 20:00


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