The ultimate rave parties for nerds UNMUTED is returning not for one, but for two nights back to Willemeen where it started. So prepare for trouble, make it double!
Like last time we can expect NDXJCL artists from all over the world. Lineup will be revealed in time. As for music styles? While most are affiliated with J-Core, there are many more music styles to be heard. Diversity is key to NDXJCL, so expect two diverse nights.
Check NDXJCL's discord channel or on Neodash Zerox's show "J-Core Life" on Twitch for the latests information at the link below!
Lineup 22 June:
BrainShit (DE)
DJ Freeze & E-Villian (NL)
DJ Plague (CA)
DJ Sharpnel (JP)
Hexexen (FI)
HowlingNeko (SE)
Neodash Zerox (NL)
SuperEuroJimmy (NL)
Tektheist (UK)
VJ's: Kaz (DE), sdc_lm (JP), č¯å-HANAKO- (JP)
Hosted by Harley Diver (UK) and Kinshobin (NL)