SADISTIC INTENT (us) - Iron Pegasus records
The return of one of the most raw and evil sounding death metal bands spawned on this black earth!
Sadistic Intent will be promoting the coming split release with PENTACLE (nl) titled "Invocations Of The Death Ridden" which will be out on Iron Pegasus records.
Sadistic Intent serves on a cold plate putrid and evil Death metal since their inception in 1987. Run by the Cortez brothers Sadistic Intent has shown no compromise for almost 30 years with classic releases such as the 'Resurrection' and 'Ancient Black Earth' EPs. Throughout their numerous shows and tours around the world they have proven to be one of the most prominent Death metal bands.
Sadistic Intent is a Death Metal horde hailing from Los Angeles, CA which was formed in the fall of 1987. Taking influence by the original Death/Black Metal groups such as Slayer, Possessed, Dark Angel, Destruction, Venom, Sodom, Celtic Frost and so forth.At a time when Death/Black Metal was no longer popular as it was in the mid 80’s, Sadistic Intent were one of the handful of groups in the United States raising the flag of Death Metal!
DEHUMAN (be) - Kaotoxin records
DEHUMAN was aborted with success in October 2006 into the filth of Brussels.
In 2011, a second intervention perverted once and for all the creature composed of the following deformed limbs: Andrea V. (bass / vocals); Laye L. (Drums); Rafael S. (Guitars) and Mathias B. (Guitars)
The first regurgitation “Black Throne of all Creation” appeared in 2012 released on compact disc by Kaotoxin and on black LP record by Tanquam Aegri Somnia, followed by a French and European tour with AGATHOCLES, a European and Balkan tour invited by MASTER, seventy shows spitted at the face of what remains of REAL violent and brutal death-metal amateurs still alive in this putrid abyss.
Dehuman from Belgium revives the best fast and aggressive 90's death metal straight and without compromise. With the release of their second record in 2015 they proved to be one of the most reliable and prominent death metal acts hailing from Belgium having brought their music throughout Europe and the Americas with numerous shows and tours.
De band Anarchos speelt death metal en bestaat uit onder andere (ex-)leden van Ulcerate Fester en Burning Hatred. De muziek is beïnvloed door Death Metal uit het begin van de jaren ‘90, met name Autopsy, Asphyx en Dismember, gedrenkt in het Zweedse Death Metal geluid. De tekstuele thema’s van het occulte, mystieke en de dood worden versterkt door de duistere sfeer die de muziek herbergt. De band bracht begin 2014 de EP “Descent Into The Maelström” uit via Vic Records. Momenteel wordt er gewerkt aan een full-length die begin 2017 zal worden uitgebracht.