vr 29 mrt2024
Phil Campbell And The Bastard Sons (UK) + Lucifer Star Machine
  • Hardrock
  • rawk n roll

-English version below-

Phil Campbell and the Bastard Sons on tour voor hun derde album β€œKings Of The Asylum”.

Een unieke kans om een artiest van dit formaat live in een intieme setting te zien!

Gestart als een side project tijdens de laatste jaren van MotΓΆrhead. De band besloot om serieus door te gaan onder de naam en onthulden in 2016 tijdens Wacken Open Air de naam PHIL CAMPBELL AND THE BASTARD SONS.
Geleid door een van de meest gerespecteerde gitaristen in het genre en aangevuld door zijn zonen Todd, Tyla and Dane kwam de band in 2017 in het touring circuit met veel goodwill, een hoop MOTΓ–RHEAD covers en een handjevol nieuwe nummers vol met passie en swagger.
Hiermee scoorden zij een prestigieuze support rol bij de 2017 GUNS N’ ROSES summer stadium run.

Hun debut album, β€œThe Age Of Absurdity” scoorde β€˜Best Debut Album’ bij de 2018 Metal Hammer Germany’s awards en kreeg veel goede reviews. Hun tweede album β€œWe’re The Bastards” was groter, beter en energieker dan zijn voorganger met top 40 hits in vier landen.
Kort nadat de band in 2022 hun nieuwe lead zanger Joel Peters aankondigde, gingen zij de studio in om hun nieuwe album β€œKings Of The Asylum” op te nemen.
The bastards gingen daarna hun drukste festival season tot nu toe tegemoet met optredens bij grote festivals zoals, Wacken Open Air, Hellfest, Graspop Metal Meeting en veel meer tijdens de zomer van 2023.Β 

Phil Campbell, de voormalige **MotΓΆrhead ** gitarist vertelde: β€œIt’s been a great experience writing this album alongside Joel and the rest of my lads. We’ve come up with some monstrous riffs and hooks for your listening pleasure. We can’t wait to play some of these songs at some of our old favourites towns and cities and visiting some new places too!”
De band zal hun nieuwe album β€œKings Of The Asylum” in de nazomer van 2023 uitgeven via Nuclear Blast Records waarna ze in september op tour gaan.

Supported door Lucifer Star Machine

Eindelijk op ons podiom: Lucifer Star Machine, Infernal Rockβ€˜nβ€˜Roll!
High Energy Action uit Duitsland met één lokaal bandlid.

Phil Campbell and the Bastard Sons on tour to support their third album β€œKings Of The Asylum”.

A unique chance to see an artist of this size live in an intimate setting!

Originally formed as a side project towards the last couple of years of MotΓΆrhead, the band decided to take it up a level and revealed the new name of PHIL CAMPBELL AND THE BASTARD SONS at Wacken Open Air 2016.
Led by one of the genre’s most respected guitarists and completed by his sons Todd, Tyla and Dane the band emerged onto the 2017 touring circuit powered by a huge amount of good will, a smattering of MOTΓ–RHEAD covers and a handful of new songs that crackled with passion and swagger. Landing themselves a prestigious support slot on GUNS N’ ROSES 2017 summer stadium run, the BASTARD SONS hit the ground running.

Their debut album, β€œThe Age Of Absurdity” picked up a trophy for β€˜Best Debut Album’ at Metal Hammer Germany’s 2018 awards and garnered great reviews. Their second album β€œWe’re The Bastards” was bigger, better and even more raucously uplifting than its predecessor with top 40 national chart entries in 4 countries.
Shortly after the band announced their new powerhouse lead singer Joel Peters in 2022, the band entered their studio and began writing and recording the album β€œKings Of The Asylum”.Β 
The bastards then entered their busiest festival season to date including performances at major festivals such as Wacken Open Air, Hellfest, Graspop Metal Meeting and many more throughout the summer 2023.Β 

Phil Campbell, the former **MotΓΆrhead ** guitarist commented β€œIt’s been a great experience writing this album alongside Joel and the rest of my lads. We’ve come up with some monstrous riffs and hooks for your listening pleasure. We can’t wait to play some of these songs at some of our old favourites towns and cities and visiting some new places too!”
The band will release β€œKings Of The Asylum” in the late summer of '23 via Nuclear Blast Records and will embark on the β€œKings Of The Asylum” tour in September.

Supported by Lucifer Star Machine

Finally on our stage: Lucifer Star Machine, Infernal Rockβ€˜nβ€˜Roll!
High Energy Action from Germany with one member from here.