Doc's Metal Massacre II brings a kick-ass line-up on sunday afternoon the 14th of april.
Diocletian (NZ Nuclear War Now! Productions, Osmose Productions)
Diocletian is a New Zealand extreme war metal band from Auckland, formed in 2004.
The Gesundrian album was featured on Pitchfork's list of "The Best Metal Albums of 2014".
This is their only show in the Netherlands of the tour!
Expect caveman riffing that descends into utter barbarity with fiercely hammered drums and surging walls of blistering guitar work.
The primitive onslaught of war metal is definitely not lacking intensity, especially when whammy diving shreds make a brief appearance then give way to more grinding doomy grooves and ripping vocals.
Militant vibes are thrown out from the drums throughout but none more obvious than marching snares they use often.
Dont mis the chance to see this awesome band live!!
Dudsekop (BE)
Dudsekop is a black metal-geΓ―nspireerde band from Ypres.
King Hiss, Congress, Liar gitarist Josh Fury founded Dudsekop as a COVID-soloproject. He then included drummer Bert Guillemont who he knew from his time at Liar. The label "black metalβ is not conclusive, the band excels in a diverse sound. For instance, the vocals range from clean to screams and spoken word.
Though there is a scala of different style influences, the basis is definitely black metal. By thinking beyond the existing black metal paradigms Dudsekop became a band with a truly unique style!
Onheil (NL)
Onheil - Furious Yet Melodic Blackened Death Metal since 1999! Expect typical Onheil-breaks, melodies, solos and perfectly phrased vocals that will thunder over you. The band had three guitarists who harmonize very well with each other. Combined with the abrasive vocals of Amok, the heavy vocals of Waanzin and ultra tight drums. This is one of the better bands of the genre in the Netherlands at the moment, don't miss it!
**Angel Disorder ** (NL)
Angel Disorder is a three-piece old school death/thrashmetal band from the Netherlands.
Altars Abaze (CZ, VΓ‘n Records)
Uncompromising ALTARS ABLAZE scorch all that is holy! Death-black metal band ALTARS ABLAZE has reached the top of Czech extreme metal in its short career. It is also logical, as the lineup consists of experienced artists from bands such as Heaving Earth, Cult of Fire, Brutally Deceased and others..