za 31 jan2015
White Trash Presidents (SWE) + The DevilΒ’s 3rd



A rockband from the hearts of Sweden and Denmark, aka ”SweDenmark”, is born!

It consists of songwriters & musicians from

the award winning, 7 album-released,

well-toured, and hard working bands of


With the common love of solid, well written,

well played, good ol’ fashioned Rock n’ Roll,

they´ve found a rock sound that is quite unique,

even for Scandinavian standards.

You can clearly hear where the band’s members

hail from, as well as you can hear the

clear influences of bands like Guns n’ Roses,

Social Distortion, Mötley Crüe, Velvet Revolver

and Backyard Babies to name a few, still with that said,

they have managed to create their

own sound that allows them their very own

spot in rock music today.

More information on Facebook:


Listen tot hem on:



The Devil’s 3rd is een old school thrash metal band met een verfrissende twist van 80’s heavy metal 
en aggressie. De band is gestationeerd in Tilburg en heeft in februari 2013 hun eerste demo 
uitgebracht, drager van ‘Bring it On’ en ‘Horror of the Mass’. In de periode na de release heeft de 
band door heel het land optredens verzorgd en zodoende al een stevige live reputatie opgebouwd.
Een show van The Devil’s 3rd kenmerkt zich door de energie die van het podium afknalt waar ook het 
publiek bij wordt betrokken, iets waar de “meebrul-refreinen” zich goed voor lenen. In de korte tijd 
dat ze live bestaansrecht hebben, hebben ze niet voor niets al op festivals als het Roadgrill Festival 
(Rotterdam), Incubate Festival (Tilburg) en het Geldersch Metal Treffen (Arnhem) gestaan! The 
Devil’s 3rd
– Tilburg Thrash!
Biography (EN):
The Devil’s 3rd is an old school thrash metal band with a refreshing twist of 80’s heavy metal and 
aggression. The band is based in Tilburg and released their first demo in february 2013, containing 
“Bring it On” and “Horror of the Mass”. In the period after the release the band has been performing 
all over the Netherlands and Belgium, thus creating a powerful live-reputation! A The Devil’s 3rd 
show is distinguished by the energy that blasts right off the stage and a performance which interacts 
and includes the audience, something in which the “shoutalongs” take a huge part. In the short 
period of time that they’ve been conquering stages they’ve played festivals like the Roadgrill Festival 
(Rotterdam), Incubate Festival (Tilburg) and the Geldersch Metal Treffen (Arnhem)! The Devil’s 3rd –
Tilburg Thrash!
The Devil’s 3rd is:
Bart Geisen – guitars
Kristof Mycka – bass
Jeffrey Rolink – drums
Frans Wijnen – vocals




Zaal open: 19:30
Einde: 00:00


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